Brahmavihāras: The Buddha’s Divine Abodes

This month of February, I invite you to explore the Brahmavihāras— the four boundless qualities of the heart: Loving-kindness (Mettā), Compassion (Karunā), Sympathetic Joy (Mudita), and Equanimity (Upekkhā) . These timeless Buddhist practices offer powerful methods to heal emotional wounds and reconnect with the innate wisdom of the heart.


The Divine Abodes ( Brahmavihāras ) — are a central teaching in Buddhist philosophy, suggesting a sensible path to cultivating more compassion, and emotional balance. In essence, they give rise to the possibility of creating lasting harmonious relationships- to others and to our own inner parts. For me, it's a clear cut avenue to transform suffering into wisdom.

Please enjoy this free meditation on the Brahma Viharas, 

this heart opening yin yoga sequence for the heart & the lungs

and consider one act of selflessness for a total stranger. 


Fascia: The Fabric of Our Form


Beginning Anew: Forgiving & Starting Fresh