Yin Yoga Teacher Training Level II
Advanced Principles in Mindful Process, Inner Methods & Yin Yoga Asana

“If you don’t realize the source of truth, your Buddha Nature, you stumble in confusion and sorrow.
When you realize where you come from
you naturally become tolerant, amused, kindhearted as a grandmother, dignified as a king,
immersed in the wonder, you can deal with whatever life brings you
and even when death comes,
you are ready.”
-Tao Te Ching
“I bow to the potency of this work”
“I am shook after this training in the best way”
In the precious and rare setting of retreat, our usual daily distractions are removed to support you to in developing mindfulness, compassion, and wise understanding.
The power of practice in the wild gives rise to a more centered, mindful, and patient presence that supports you in your daily life.
In this level II training, we will be layering physical, emotional, and energetic engagement of immersive practice life:
Physical: Home of the Prana Vessel
Emotional: Home of the Dharma, Inner Methods & Mindfulness
Energetic: Home of the Hara & Chi Body
as well as immersive practices into the Buddha’s Divine Abodes- 4 Methods for Awakening Boddhicitta through heart methods:
Karuna: Compassion
Metta: Loving Kindness
Muddita: Selfless Joy
Kshama: Forgiveness
Level II will focus on the cultivation of an enriched Pranic field and an in-depth investigation of Buddhist Philosophical Principles- which we mingle with psychological self-inquiry and awareness practices in Yin & Yang Yoga Asanas. This course offers advanced anatomy, Yin & Yang Posture Clinics, Neuro-physiology of the Autonomic Nervous System, the path of awakening to the Dharma, and Meditation methodology.
Our focus together will be on the contemplative side of yoga, the internal methods of cultivating the bodymind complex, harnessing the Qi body and distributing its vital resources. Reflective practice is mingled with heart methods such as Tonglen and Metta meditations to deepen our commitment to the inner dimensions of experience, a willingness to open up inside & wonder.
While Level I is not a required prerequisite, we do suggest you have trained previously in essential features of a Yin Yoga & mindfulness based practice.
Yin Yoga: Principles, Anatomy & Physiology, Asana, Breath & Lines of Energy, Traditional Chinese Medicine Meridians & Organ health, Mapping the Subtle Body, Restorative Yoga. Kidney Focus. Water Element.
Yang Yoga: Yin vs Yang Tissues. Join Action. Biomechanics in Surya Namaskar, Asana Analysis & Adjustments, Physiology of Parasympathetic Pranayama. Vinyasa Flow Practice.
Mind: Internal Family Systems, Methods of Mindfulness, Shamata, Foundations of Mind, Causes of Suffering, The 4 Noble Truths, Buddhist Principles, Philosophy, & Psychology, Intermingling Heart Methods: Karuna Metta Muddita Kshama
*subject to change

International and intentful Yin & Restorative Yoga teacher of teachers, Kali Basman, offers an intermingling of wisdom disciplines: Foundations of Buddhist mindfulness, the pranic pathways of Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians, physiology of the nervous system, and individual-informed anatomy.
Leading yin and mindfulness focused trainings and retreats across the globe, Kali pays reverence to her lineage of teachers, Sarah Powers, Jack Kornfield, Judith Hanson Lasater and more.
“Kali is the definition of wisdom. I feel held in such an intuitive deep space. Her teachings are enlightening and expanding. I feel this knowledge will stay with me forever”
“Eloquent and concise, Kali speaks of ancient wisdom”

Questions? Contact us here or at info@durgaexcursions.com