For a robust, integrated practice life, this course is informed by a foundation of chosen wisdom traditions to balance the body, heart and mind:
Five Elements Traditional Chinese Medicine: for the scope of this weekend we will focus specifically on the water element to rebalance the kidneys, and the fire element to heal the heart.
Buddhist Philosophy: Using ancient teachings, we’ll fine tune our methods for mindful cultivation & regular meditation practice
Yin Yoga: The pantheon of yin poses will be our explicit focus for the weekend, intermingling anatomy physiology & energetics of poses. Specifically, we’ll focus on poses to benefit kidneys (water element) & heart (fire element).
Restorative Yoga: an emphasis on using props and supporting the skeleton will be employed

water element : kidney meridian | fire element : heart meridian
Longevity & Lubrication of Water Element/Kidneys:
We are born with a finite amount of Kidney Chi and these deeper reserves of vitality and adaptation may be nourished and supported to reset the nervous system and increase elasticity/resiliency in the aging body. We’ll Lengthen and lubricate the Kidney Channel - the water element meridian which runs along the front and back of spine, groin, and inner leg line.
Cultivation of Compassion through Fire Element/Heart:
A potent opportunity to awaken the heart view: practices and processes to expand from Anahata, the unstruck chord of the heart chakra. The channel runs from center of sternum out through the shoulder girdle, elbow, wrist joints & ends at the pinky fingers.

“so immeasurable was the depth of this experience... it’s hard to find words.”
This is a heart-centered, multi-faceted program that will allow each participant to cultivate and enjoy a daily home practice or provide the foundations for safely and effectively teaching Yin poses and meditation.
While this is suitable for beginners who display an interesting in mindfulness methods and body awareness, many practitioners who join us are also teachers who have enjoyed deepening their methodology through this integrated program.
To read testimonials from past students, please click here.
-Principles of Yin Yoga
-Propping for Restorative Yoga
-Buddhist Methods for Mindfulness & Psychological insights
-Traditional Chinese Medicine 5 Element Theory
Dharma talks, restorative & yin practices, inquiry exercises and mindfulness methods will be employed daily.
Physiological, Energetic, Psychological & Interpersonal Pillars of Practice
This course leans heavily on the contemplative and reflective sides of yoga (Yin), in which we hone the internal methods of cultivating the bodymind and our subtle energy kinetics for anatomical, structural, and emotional wholeness.
On a physiological level, Yin yoga lengthens and lubricate the connective tissues and promotes optimal functioning of the vital organs.
On an energetic level, Yin allows us to harness the chi body and distribute its resources.
Psychologically, however, we’ll need a wisdom practice like Buddhist Meditation to instill stable tranquility and engender insight into our true nature.
Interpersonally, we’ll bring in expansive heart methods such as Tonglen, Metta & Compassion practices, and authentic relating in partner practices and diads.
These pillars become the foundation of our spiritual and social wellbeing, and determine our growth potential in this lifetime.
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Please note - this training will be held at Riffs Yoga Studio - Bird Rock Location:
5510 La Jolla Blvd, La Jolla, CA 92037
Pre-Registration Required | Limited Capacity
This is a non-residential training. Accommodations not included.
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Friday, February 17 | 7pm-9:30pm [arrival evening]
-Arrival Dharma/ Welcome Circle
- Principles of Yin & Introduction to 5 Elements
-Arrive & Center, Yin Practice
Saturday, February 18 | 1:30-7:30pm
[water element/kidney chi]
-Arrive & Center
-Yin & Yang Tissues, Repair Response
-Kidney Meridian & Water Element | Asana Lab
-Attributes of Rest, Restorative Yoga & Propping
4:30-5:30pm break
-Subtle Energetics & Pelvis Anatomy & Psoas as Spirit Muscled
Sunday, February 19 | 1:30-7:30pm [fire element/ heart healing]
-Arrive & Center
-The Heart Meridian & Fire Element | Asana Lab
-Subtle Energetics & Anatomy of the Shoulder Girdle
4:30-5:30pm Break
-Metta Practices for the Heart
-Final Closing
Dharma talks, restorative & yin practices, inquiry exercises and mindfulness methods will be employed daily
Riffs Yoga Studios in Bird Rock, La Jolla and Ocean Beach, San Diego, California is a unique yoga studio with a musical vibe. In La Jolla we offer both outdoor and indoor yoga studio, while our Ocean Beach location sports a large and beautiful indoor space.
Riffs was founded in 2010 in Park City, Utah by Larry Hart, Stephen Hart's father. It started as a guitar store called Riffs Acoustic Music and the term "Riffs" refers to a musical phrase, often one that is catchy and recognizable. In 2012, Stephen moved to San Diego to open his own guitar store of the same name, but quickly found the age of music retail stores was falling to online shopping. A big fan of yoga, one day he had the idea to host a live music yoga class behind the shop on our beautiful redwood deck he built originally to host small concerts. The class was a hit, and over the course of a couple years the yoga program grew and grew. In 2014, Stephen suffered the traumatic loss of his mother, something that turned his world upside down. He found healing in the yoga practice as he immersed himself in a Yoga Teacher Training program. With a new respect for the life changing powers of the yoga practice, he rebranded the business to Riffs Yoga Studios to keep the Riffs name in honor of his father, but put more focus on the yoga program. As Stephen continued to study and heal through yoga, the program grew until Jan 1st 2019, when he acquired a second location in Ocean Beach, at which point he sold off the last of his guitars and focused the business on yoga and sound healing.
Kali Basman
International and intentful Yin & Restorative Yoga teacher of teachers, Kali Basman, offers an intermingling of wisdom disciplines: Foundations of Buddhist mindfulness, the pranic pathways of Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians, physiology of the nervous system, and individual-informed anatomy.
Leading yin and mindfulness focused trainings and retreats across the globe, Kali pays reverence to her lineage of teachers, Sarah Powers, Jack Kornfield, Judith Hanson Lasater and more.
“Kali is the definition of wisdom. I feel held in such an intuitive deep space. Her teachings are enlightening and expanding. I feel this knowledge will stay with me forever”
“Eloquent and concise, Kali speaks of ancient wisdom”