Pentacle / 5 Pointed Supine Star
The ‘Repose’ in Yin Yoga practice is used as the thread, or the ‘Sutra’, between carefully curated asanas in a Yin Yoga sequence to allow the system to come to a state of ease and decompression in between each shape. Think of it as a mini-savasana in between each posture: The magic of stillness here allows for an observant practitioner to absorb the subtle significance of the preceding posture, and to soak up the benefits of the shape, before flowing onward to ‘what’s next!?’. Yin Yoga is a practice of honoring transitions, the space in between transitions, and the precious potency of the present.
One crucial objective in a conscious mindfulness embodiment practice such as Yin Yoga is the devotion to simplification. In Yin, when we no longer can rely on the normative patternings of stimulation and chaos, movement and turbulence, we are forced to get down to the bare bones of the practice: a system in stillness, and a body of breath.
By keeping movement to a minimum (letting the stimulation of Vinyasa- or FLOW- to be reserved for a more YANG practice), we assume a minimalist aspect: to renounce the rest of the world and just take refuge within the shape you’re in.