Anatomy of Trauma:

A Weekend Immersion

September 13-15, 2024

StarHouse | Boulder, CO

“To speak of sorrow

works upon it

moves it from its

crouched place barring

the way to and from the soul's hall.”

-Denise Levertov

We must acknowledge that everybody comes to this day, this life, this practice with either recent or ancient wounds.⁣⁣

We invite you to a yin& mind intermingling to facilitate a nervous system reconciliation with self.⁣⁣ This training intensive will focus on the facilitation of 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 and 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 processes for trauma awareness, which potentiates our healing both personally and interpersonally.⁣⁣ Drawing from foundational cornerstones of 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐦, Yin Yoga, & 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞, we will investigate methods to rest in the immediacy of the moment and heal distinct parts of the self. ⁣⁣⁣⁣

Radiating with ritual, this integrated wisdom practice is a tool to rise to your intrinsic baseline of tranquility, recall your innate ability for spaciousness, and remind your system of its unique anatomical, structural, and emotional wholeness.

Integrating the psychological understanding of the nervous system, musculo-skeletal response to stress, and longevity practices for the resilience of connective tissue, Kali provides a format for responding to the fluctuations of a life lived in awareness.


Methods of Mindfulness & Meditation

Yin & Restorative Yoga: Principles, Anatomy, Asana 

Neurophysiology / Neuroplasticity

Buddhist Principles, Philosophy, & Psychology

Mapping the Subtle Body

Navigating the Nervous System

Traditional Chinese Medicine & Organ Health

Depth Psychology | Internal Family Systems Format

Special Additions….

Daily Yang Vinyasa Flow & Soundhealing Session with Yin Yoga Practice


9/13 Friday (5-7pm)

Entering Retreat: Where Buddhism meets Neuroscience, Self-Energy

Cultivation of Hara: Island of Safety

Yin Practice, Inquiry, Visualization &Meditation

9/14 Saturday (12-5pm)

12-1:30 Anatomy of Survival: Insula, Amygdala, Vagus Nerve

1:30-2:30 Yang Vinyasa Flow w/ Lauren Lewis

2:30-3pm break

3-4 Internal Family Systems: Awareness of Multiplicity

4-5 Psoas: The Spirit Muscle, Yin Practice infused with Sacred Sound

9/15 Sunday (12-5pm)

12-1:30  Anatomy of Trauma: Somatic Memory of Trauma, Shock & Trauma, Neuroplasticity

1:30-2:30 Yang Vinyasa Flow w/ Lauren Lewis

2:30-3 break

3-4 Dukkha & the First Noble Truth

4-5 Internal Family Systems: Heart Protectors & Compassion Practice intermingled with Yin Poses


Investment: $475

Please note this is a non-residential training. Accommodations not included.

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Suggested Reading: though not required, we encourage you to choose one of the following to read in preparation for our time together

The Wild Edge of Sorrow, Francis Weller

The Trauma of Everyday Life, Mark Epstein

  • “Thank you for nourishing my spirit, for the permission to sit with my mother-self and the little one and all the other roles of self, and to not allow my sorrow to go unattended. Your wisdom helped me grow into myself in such a meaningful way. Big growth.”

    - Barcelona

  • “I met Kali during a very vulnerable time in my healing journey, since then this work has played a huge role in me returning to myself again and again.”

    - Austin

  • “I am so incredibly grateful to do this work, to be aware, to have the opportunity to change my belief system and to clear so many of the dysfunctional patterns in my lineage and those which showed up in my marriage. A mirror of what I needed to clear in myself so I can now stand whole in my own love and ready to embark on my biggest adventure yet! I thank you from the bottom of my heart, another example of the universe providing me with what I needed before I needed it. Yin has been such an emotional safe haven for me to unravel these last parts of transformation and release.”

    - Boulder


The StarHouse is a beautiful sanctuary nestled in the foothills of Boulder, Colorado, serving and being served by the community for over 30 years.

Constructed according to ancient geometric principles of ideal symmetry, proportion and harmony ~ in relationship with the land and celestial beings ~ the building itself is a star map. Its axis is aligned with the North Star and it is perfectly oriented to the four directions.

The StarHouse embodies in its structure the changing seasons, fluctuations in sunlight, and dance of the planets and constellations ~ a powerfully supportive space that honors and celebrates the cosmic rhythms of change while nurturing deeper connections between the land, stars and human hearts.


International and intentful Yin & Restorative Yoga teacher of teachers, Kali Basman, offers an intermingling of wisdom disciplines: Foundations of Buddhist mindfulness, the pranic pathways of Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians, physiology of the nervous system, and individual-informed anatomy.

Leading yin and mindfulness focused trainings and retreats across the globe, Kali pays reverence to her lineage of teachers, Sarah Powers, Jack Kornfield, Judith Hanson Lasater and more.

“Kali is the definition of wisdom. I feel held in such an intuitive deep space. Her teachings are enlightening and expanding. I feel this knowledge will stay with me forever”

“Eloquent and concise, Kali speaks of ancient wisdom”


Lauren headed west from Pennsylvania in 1999 to attend The University of Colorado, Boulder. She fell in love with the mountains, the community and the lifestyle. After college, Lauren attended the School of Natural Cookery to follow her passion for plant-based cooking. Lauren has operated a personal chef and culinary education business for 13 years.

In 2000, Lauren found and fell deeply in love with yoga. Yoga and mindful cooking have such congruency. Lauren has found deep passion aligning these two practices in her workshops, retreats and one on one with clients.

Lauren believes that by intuitively attending to our most basic needs- breath, movement and healing food, we can show up fully to live our most vital lives. Lauren’s approachable style embodies the mantra “think less, feel more”.


Debra, (Padmani Akal Kaur), from Sedona Arizona, shares her intuitive gifts of vibrational healing through the frequencies of the Alchemy crystal singing bowls, Gong and other instruments.  

She developed PTSD symptoms from a motorcycle accident and has personally benefited from sound sessions. This profoundly inspired her to share the benefits of sound healing. She is trained in Yin & Restorative yoga, Shamangelic breathwork, Reiki, tuning forks and Sound Healing. Debra loves to be of service to others and embraces collaborations and educational experiences that help her to continue to develop her skills. She enjoys traveling for special events and workshops..